Friday, February 29, 2008

Mystery Shopping

I am not a shopper. Not in the traditional mall-combing, fashionista sense. I've always been a no nonsense consumer eager to get the transaction over with and hoping for a good deal. While I want a good price, I'm not willing to scour the earth, coupons, or multiple stores to search for that deal. So, while I don't pay retail, I'm not your bargain basement shopper either. Which is why my current career endeavor is so ironic. I've been mystery shopping for almost three months and I am hooked! I've already completed thirty three shops and I am already turning work down every week.

You may not get rich as a mystery shopper, but it is an income stream that meets my criteria of having a job with flexibility. Moreover, you can get goods and services reimbursed after you submit your shop reports. Mystery shopping is good for those who have an eye for detail, communicate well, can make discreet observations and memorize information. It is not for the faint of heart.

Mystery shopping does entail a lot of prep work. You have to sign up with a lot of companies and be proactive in establishing yourself and finding work. You have to read about your client’s guidelines and adhere to them in order to properly evaluate them. However, if you prove yourself as a dependable person who makes deadlines and submits quality information with a lot of objective detail, the jobs will start coming to you. Schedulers will take notice and give you the better assignments, or at least first dibs on what’s available. And the beauty of it is you can accept as many or as few jobs as you want.

I’m a secret agent… a covert operative. And, I’m getting paid to go the places I would have been going to anyway! I’m learning about the inner workings of companies and evaluating customer service and selling techniques. Also, there’s minimal overhead! Even though starting up does take an investment in time, I’ve signed up with more companies and the shops are getting easier as I get more experience.

Speaking of which, I’d better sign off. I have to go to the mall (and get paid to do it!)….

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Throwing Down the Gauntlet

Well gang, the time has come.... As one member of a DINK (dual income no kids) union, I never expected to have kids. Now, I have two wonderful kids and I've been home fulltime to care for them for the last 4 years. Get this, I actually love it!!!! I do not want to go back to the rat race of the corporate world!!!!

So, here's the challenge. DH wants me to get a good paying job (aka rat race) once the kids are in school. I still feel the need to be home, at least when they get home. I also don't want a big chunk of my income to go to aftercare programs if I work a traditional fulltime job. Can I make some decent money on my own schedule? Can I earn a decent income while unworking from home? This space is my quest to achieve it. Tune in and see if I can make $40,000/yr in four years.