About Me

Me at Goal Weight after Baby #2
Hi, I'm Maribel and I am The Frugal Writer.

After a few years of operating this blog as "Unworker", I've decided on a new name, "ODDly ADDing". 

Unworker was a reference to my shift from working professional to at-home mom.  While there certainly is a method to my madness, ADHD actually crystallizes and explains why some of the madness actually exists in the first place.  I hope you'll join me on this journey. 

While ADHD is viewed by many as a disorder, I see it as a blessing that allows me to understand myself and my oldest son way better than I ever have before.  And guess what?  Many of the things that help people with ADHD can actually benefit everyone.  So, of course, I have to share and write about it. 

I'm also a lifetime member of Weight Watchers (a "Lifer") since 2003 and am currently almost back at my goal weight since baby #3.  Now, life for me is more about improving fitness and not just weight. 

I'm really excited about my newest venture as Co-Director of Start School Later.  This grassroots coalition is advocating for the health, safety and equity of public school students when determining school start times.

You can also follow my Facebook fan page at www.facebook.com/TheFrugalWriter to keep up with my writing.  You can also follow me on Twitter at @TheFrugalWriter